ctscsq: bus stop in fog
ctscsq: Lazy morning sun on a foggy day
ctscsq: smoky moutain, not in Tennessee
ctscsq: smoky moutains, not in Tennessee
ctscsq: Please move over to the notes I made on this one...
ctscsq: This is bear territory
ctscsq: Bell pepper galore (from backyard)
ctscsq: “这个白衣服的打得比蓝衣服的强多了”
ctscsq: 门缝儿
ctscsq: Let there be light
ctscsq: House plant
ctscsq: Lady without the train
ctscsq: Lady with the train
ctscsq: 一生二,二生三,三生...富国
ctscsq: My tea cup is...(gasp!) STARBUCKS.
ctscsq: Wait...what is that white stuff on the car...?
ctscsq: San Francisco's lone citizen
ctscsq: Party goers and the road with cars
ctscsq: Party goers
ctscsq: San Francisco
ctscsq: The Bay looks...oh...so...fuzzy
ctscsq: 等待2009的旧金山
ctscsq: 等待2009的田鼠
ctscsq: 守夜的人群
ctscsq: 2009来的路
ctscsq: 等待2009的疯狂聚会
ctscsq: 等待2009的人
ctscsq: SF skyline
ctscsq: SF skyline
ctscsq: 湾区大桥