CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart): H_35 College Hill - Centered on Meeting Street - Looking North-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart): A_25 College Hill - First Church of Christ, Scientist (1913) - 71 Prospect Street at Meeting Street - Looking North-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart): A_22 College Hill - H. P. Lovecraft's Final Home - The Samuel B. Mumford House (1825) - 65 Prospect Street (at Meeting Street) - Looking East-South-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart): N_29 College Hill - H. P. Lovecraft's Final Home - The Samuel B. Mumford House (1825) - 65 Prospect Street (at Meeting Street) - Looking South East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart): A_23 College Hill - H. P. Lovecraft's Final Home - The Samuel B. Mumford House (1825) - 65 Prospect Street - Looking South-South-West (from the Meeting Street side)