CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
N_19A College Hill - The John Whipple House (1820) - 54 College Street - with the List Art Building and The John Hay Library Behind It
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
N_19B College Hill - The John Whipple House (1820) - 54 College Street - with the List Art Building Behind It
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
N_19C College Hill - The John Whipple House (1820) - 54 College Street - with the List Art Building at 64 College Street and The John Hay Library Behind It
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
N_19D College Hill - The List Art Building at 64 College Street - The John Hay Library Behind It at 20 Prospect Street and The Van Wickle Gates on the Right at Prospect Street - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_24 College Hill - The List Art Building (1969-71) - 64 College Street - Looking North - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_26 College Hill - South-West View from the List Art Building (1969-71) - Recreating Lovecraft's 66 College Street Views - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_30 College Hill - South-West View from the List Art Building (1969-71) - Recreating Lovecraft's 66 College Street Views - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_27 College Hill - South-West View from the List Art Building (1969-71) - Recreating Lovecraft's 66 College Street Views - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_29 College Hill - South-West View from the List Art Building (1969-71) - Recreating Lovecraft's 66 College Street Views - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_32 College Hill - West View from the List Art Building (1969-71) - Recreating Lovecraft's 66 College Street Views - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_28 College Hill - West View from the List Art Building (1969-71) - Recreating Lovecraft's 66 College Street Views - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_31 College Hill - North-West View from the List Art Building (1969-71) - Recreating Lovecraft's 66 College Street Views - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_23 College Hill - The List Art Building (1969-71) - 64 College Street - Looking North-West - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
M_22 College Hill - John Hay Library (1910 & 1939) - 20 Prospect Street and List Art Building (1969-71) at left at 64 College Street - Looking North - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
E_02 College Hill - Lovecraft's Providence Walking Tour on College Street Passing the John Hay Library (1910 & 1939) and the List Art Building (1969-71)
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_16B College Hill - The List Art Building (1969-71) - 64 College Street - Looking East - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_05B College Hill - The List Art Building (1969-71) - 64 College Street - Looking East - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
G_35A College Hill - John Hay Library (1910 & 1939) - 20 Prospect Street - Brown University - Looking South-West with the H. P. Lovecraft Memorial Plaque to the Right
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
G_34A College Hill - Looking West Through The Class of 1872 Gate at Brown University to the John Hay Library (1910 & 1939) - 20 Prospect Street with the H. P. Lovecraft Memorial Plaque to the Right
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
G_34B College Hill - Looking West Through The Class of 1872 Gate at Brown University to the H. P. Lovecraft Memorial Plaque at 22 Prospect Street - with the John Hay Library (1910 & 1939) - 20 Prospect Street - to the Left and Behind It
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
G_34C College Hill - Looking West Through The Class of 1872 Gate at Brown University to the H. P. Lovecraft Memorial Plaque at 22 Prospect Street - with the John Hay Library (1910 & 1939) - 20 Prospect Street - to the Left and Behind It
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_14 College Hill - Looking North-East Along Waterman Street with the Carrie Tower on the Right - 10:58 a.m. on the Tower Clock - Brown University
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_16E College Hill - Brown University Main Campus Looking East - Wayland and East Providence in the Distance
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_08 College Hill - Looking East Up College Street
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_05A2 College Hill - Prospect Street Between Waterman Street and George Street - Detail
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_05A College Hill - Looking East Up College Street Past List Art Building and Rockefeller Library to Brown Univiversity
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_16A College Hill - Looking East Up College Street Past List Art Building and Rockefeller Library to Brown Univiversity - 10:30 a.m. on the Carrie Tower Clock
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_14 College Hill - Providence County Superior Courthouse (1924-33) - 250 Benefit Street with College Street on the Left - Looking South-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_18B College Hill - Providence County Superior Courthouse - 250 Benefit Street - with the Rockefeller Library - 10 Prospect Street Up the Hill Behind It
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_18A College Hill - Providence County Superior Courthouse (1924-33) 250 Benefit Street 10:27 a.m. on the Church Clock with South Main Street in the Foreground