CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
B_06 College Hill - The Jenckes-Pratt House (c. 1775) - 133 Prospect Street at Barnes Street - "The Little White Farmhouse" - Looking North from the Barnes Street Side
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
O_17B College Hill - Looking at the Home at 2 Barnes Street - Next to The Jenckes-Pratt House (c. 1775) - 133 North Prospect Street at Barnes Street - "The Little White Farmhouse" and Two Doors from No 10
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
O_17C College Hill - H. P. Lovecraft’s Home from April 1926 to May 1933 at 10 Barnes Street - Looking North East from Prospect Street
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
O_17A College Hill - H. P. Lovecraft’s Home from April 1926 to May 1933 at 10 Barnes Street - Looking North East Down Barnes Street from Prospect Street