CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_35G College Hill - Benefit Street from Bowen Street to Meeting Street (113-161) - Detail
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_15D2 College Hill - Benefit Street from South Court Street to Angell Street (159-193) - Detail
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_04B College Hill - Benefit Street from South Court Street to College Street (159-251) - Detail
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_17D College Hill - Rhode Island School of Design (RISD or RIZZ-dee) (part of) - 30 Waterman Street
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_35 College Hill - Centered on Meeting Street - Looking North-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_37 College Hill - Benefit Street in the Foreground - Pratt Street in the Middle - Prospect Terrace and Congdon Street at the Top - Looking North-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_36 College Hill - Looking North-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_34 College Hill - The First Baptist Church in America (1775) - 75 North Main Street - with Thomas Street Behind It - 10:36 a.m. on the Clock
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_15D College Hill - The First Baptist Church in America (1775) - 75 North Main Street - with Thomas Street to the Left
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_15F College Hill - Looking North-East with The First Baptist Church in America (1775) - 75 North Main Street in the Foreground and Thomas Street to Its Left
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_15A College Hill - Looking North-North-East Up Canal Street and North Main Street on the Left with the Roger Williams National Memorial and Benefit Square Between Them - The First Baptist Church (1775) is on the Right
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
Providence, Rhode Island - Downtown to College Hill - Panorama Number 1
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_18B College Hill - Providence County Superior Courthouse - 250 Benefit Street - with the Rockefeller Library - 10 Prospect Street Up the Hill Behind It
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_18A College Hill - Providence County Superior Courthouse (1924-33) 250 Benefit Street 10:27 a.m. on the Church Clock with South Main Street in the Foreground
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
B_33A College Hill - The John P. Knowles House (1839) - 286 Benefit Street (Just North of Benevolent Street) - Looking North-West - The John Larcher House (1818-20) at 282 is in the Background
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
O_24 College Hill - Jenckes Street at Benefit - Looking East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
P_03 College Hill - Looking East Up Bowen Street from Benefit Street
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
P_04 College Hill - Looking East Up Bowen Street from Benefit Street
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
B_36 College Hill - Bowen Street 'Belgian Block' Stones - Just East of Benefit Street - Looking East-South-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
E_10 College Hill - Looking East Up Bowen Street from Benefit Street - House on Right is Gone in 2009
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
N_16 College Hill - The Truman Beckwith House (1828) - 42 College Street (at Benefit Street)
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
B_28 College Hill - Eliza Ward House (1814) - 2 George Street at Benefit Street - Looking East Up George Street
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_30D Downtown and College Hill - Looking North
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_15C College Hill - Looking North-North-East - North Main Street with the Roger Williams National Memorial and Benefit Square on the Left
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_09A Downtown and College Hill - The Market House in the Lower Right of the Frame 10:45 a.m. on the Clock - Looking East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_32B College Hill - George Street - Looking East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_07A College Hill - Hope Club (1885) and the First Congregational Church (1816) at Benefit and Benevolent Streets - 10:42 a.m. on the Church Clock - Looking East-South-East - George Street on the Left
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_21B College Hill - Hope Club (1885) and First Congregational Church (1816) at Benevolent and Benefit Streets with George Street on the Left - Looking South-East
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
I_19 College Hill - Hope Club (1885) and First Congregational Church (1816) at Benevolent and Benefit Streets with South Main Street in the Foreground - Looking South-East - 10:45 a.m. on the Church Clock
CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart):
H_20B College Hill - Hope Club (1885) and First Congregational Church (1816) at Benevolent and Benefit Streets with South Main Street in the Foreground - Looking South-East