emilyooo: leela and her sweet monocle sunglasses
emilyooo: closeup of bender, cigar in hand
emilyooo: fry and his pizza box
emilyooo: behind door #3 ... phillip j. fry, delivery boy!
emilyooo: this is a work of art, not a toy
emilyooo: the planet express crew, with accessories
emilyooo: behind door #1 ... leela!
emilyooo: pharoah bender is not interested in a pizza he has to pay for
emilyooo: closeup of leela
emilyooo: the planet express crew
emilyooo: the blind boxes
emilyooo: behind door #2 ... bender bending rodriguez!
emilyooo: their temporary home
emilyooo: Five Star General Zapp Brannigan joins the Planet Express Crew on my video game shelf.