cteteris: Muang Sing
cteteris: Moar Kittehs!
cteteris: Wat Xieng Thong
cteteris: cooking the deadfish for the kittehs :)
cteteris: *SO* ready for a different morning routine
cteteris: early morning
cteteris: I'm so happy I gotta post deadfish!
cteteris: monks and kittehs!
cteteris: oh hai... again.
cteteris: Mekong Taxi Man
cteteris: holy sticky rice!
cteteris: temple art
cteteris: Old man praying
cteteris: al fresco
cteteris: What did one dead catfish say to the othe dead catfish?
cteteris: Life has lost all meaning
cteteris: Breakfast line
cteteris: Finally!
cteteris: larvae snacks.
cteteris: I am a woman of my word
cteteris: happy monday
cteteris: hat sale
cteteris: End of the Fish
cteteris: some kittehs + a dead fish
cteteris: I thought it would be nice of me to post something a less gross than maggots or burnt rodent.
cteteris: Happy little eggplants
cteteris: My little Akha friend
cteteris: 105mm VR