MizzD: julie and new father in law, jim
MizzD: katy & kat bellydance
MizzD: eric and mom
MizzD: dancing with the 'rents
MizzD: kim, maid of honor, toasts
MizzD: first champagne
MizzD: kiss
MizzD: dancing with the 'rents
MizzD: bubbles!
MizzD: eric & julie bellydance
MizzD: first dance
MizzD: first dance spin
MizzD: mark, man on fire
MizzD: bubbles (BW)
MizzD: ceremony smiles
MizzD: garter
MizzD: bubbles (color)
MizzD: kim, maid of honor, get's catcalled!
MizzD: julie and dad
MizzD: ceremony
MizzD: vows