ctberney: bug on a stick
ctberney: bug on a blade of grass
ctberney: dragonfly in the grass
ctberney: red dragonfly
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Red dragonfly dancing on a leaf
ctberney: golden dragonfly
ctberney: Is it a damselfly, or is it a visitor from outer space?
ctberney: Caught in a web of deceit?
ctberney: Sparkling dragonfly
ctberney: Racket-tailed Emerald Dragonfly, female (Dorocordulia libera)
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Dragonfly
ctberney: Ever get the feeling you're being watched?
ctberney: Dragonflies looking for a room
ctberney: Dragonfly foreplay
ctberney: Got 'er!
ctberney: Damselfly
ctberney: Flying Dragonfly - side view
ctberney: Face-to-face with a flying dragonfly
ctberney: A Poem to a Dragonfly
ctberney: Poem to a Dragonfly
ctberney: Widow Skimmer - Libellula luctuosa
ctberney: Bluet
ctberney: Saturday night is date night for Green Darners.