ctadventures2005: Sanderlings and Dunlins resting
ctadventures2005: Marbled Godwits probing for food
ctadventures2005: Dunlin movement
ctadventures2005: Preening feathers - Short-Billed Dowitcher
ctadventures2005: Short-Billed Dowitcher
ctadventures2005: Resting Sanderlings
ctadventures2005: Dunlin feeding
ctadventures2005: Dunlin probing the water standing on kelp bed
ctadventures2005: Western Sandpiper
ctadventures2005: Greater Yellowlegs before sunrise
ctadventures2005: Short-billed Dowitcher
ctadventures2005: Short-billed Dowitcher preening feathers at 3 crabs
ctadventures2005: 2020-3-27 -2394 - Black Oystercatcher Wing Stretch watermark
ctadventures2005: # 9321 - Pigeon Guillemots on the Rock