ctadventures2005: Dragonfly (0160).
ctadventures2005: Grasshopper (#4919)
ctadventures2005: Spider (#4895)
ctadventures2005: Katydid (#4915)
ctadventures2005: Katydid (#4916)
ctadventures2005: Hummingbird Clearwing Moth & Dandelion (#0307)
ctadventures2005: DSC_0760 - grasshopper
ctadventures2005: 6026 - dragonfly
ctadventures2005: 8029 Wild Flowers
ctadventures2005: 8096 - Insects
ctadventures2005: 8071 - Butterflies/Moths
ctadventures2005: #0398 - yellow spider
ctadventures2005: #0407-yellow spider on dandelion
ctadventures2005: American Robin - 0484
ctadventures2005: #1510 -Crab Spider on Daisy
ctadventures2005: #1829 - Dragon Fly
ctadventures2005: #1840 - Dragon Fly
ctadventures2005: #6613 - Dragon Fly
ctadventures2005: Spider on dew drop web
ctadventures2005: Ladybug with Heart
ctadventures2005: Spider in web
ctadventures2005: Spider in web
ctadventures2005: Tiger Lily and spider
ctadventures2005: Spider on web