ct1967: Pea soup morning.
ct1967: Waiting for pickup.
ct1967: Chimney, barn and fog.
ct1967: Changing.
ct1967: Montauk daisies.
ct1967: Fall through rose colored glasses.
ct1967: Saturday in the park.
ct1967: Morning light and a low fog.
ct1967: Sunday's sunrise.
ct1967: The park.
ct1967: Keep looking up.
ct1967: Beauty inverted.
ct1967: "We often praise the evening clouds, And tints so gay and bold, But seldom think upon our God, Who tinged these clouds with gold."-Sir Walter Scott
ct1967: "There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope." ~ Bern Williams
ct1967: Tires.
ct1967: Down but not out.
ct1967: You never know how high you can climb if you just keep trying.
ct1967: "The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on." ~ Carl Sandburg
ct1967: Feather cloud.
ct1967: The barn, again.
ct1967: "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." ~ Albert Camus
ct1967: Clearly fall.
ct1967: Gazebo at the park.
ct1967: "What miracle of weird transforming; Is this wild work of frost and light, This glimpse of glory infinite?" ~ John Greenleaf Whittier
ct1967: "How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." ~ John Burroughs
ct1967: Waiting to fly.
ct1967: Meeting place.
ct1967: Foggy fall morning.
ct1967: A little cloudy, a little windy, but still a good day for a walk.
ct1967: Beautiful fall day.