A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Gas Hill, no longer in modern Truro! Close to Fairmantle Street
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Gas tank explosion, Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Top of Fairmantle Street carpark, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: 'New' Newham Road, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Vospers, Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Vospers, Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: The 'new' bypass, Truro (note gas tank long since gone and now the coach park)
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: The 'new' bypass, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: The 'new' bypass, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: 1980s, Roundabout off Fairmatle Street onto the bypass, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Junction of Tabernacle Street and Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: Fairmantle Street, Truro
A Cornish maid, lost in Scotland: 1986, UBM off Newham Road, close to Fairmantle Street, Truro