I M A U-M-N-B-N!: the sign
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: sixty six paths
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: serpentine path of the sign
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: threerealms
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: referentialpragmaticstruc
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: pragmatics
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: possibility
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: liguosemioticstructure
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: imitation2
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: the three triads of the sign
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: models of semiosis
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: semiosis of imitation
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: indirect indexiclity
I M A U-M-N-B-N!: Silversteinian liguistic sign