CSPF Volunteer Program: Group Picture with our Ivy Piles
CSPF Volunteer Program: Fog through the Spruce Forest
CSPF Volunteer Program: Pulling Ivy down in the Streambed
CSPF Volunteer Program: Some neat Fungus from the recent rains
CSPF Volunteer Program: Closeup of Neat Fungi
CSPF Volunteer Program: The Ivy Piles
CSPF Volunteer Program: The Newly Freed Tree
CSPF Volunteer Program: A cleared spot with purple mushrooms
CSPF Volunteer Program: Closeup of the Purple Mushrooms
CSPF Volunteer Program: Volunteering to Pull Ivy
CSPF Volunteer Program: The Main work area to rescue the spruce
CSPF Volunteer Program: Baby Salamander
CSPF Volunteer Program: A neat white mushroom
CSPF Volunteer Program: Log colonized by various fungi
CSPF Volunteer Program: Look at all of this restored area