csnoto: Okay, where'd that ball go? (Stanley)
csnoto: Max is going to get the ball!
csnoto: Molly and Max chasing the ball
csnoto: Stanley watching Max and Molly
csnoto: Stanley, alert and watching
csnoto: Stanley decides to go after the ball
csnoto: Stanley sees the ball with Molly changing course
csnoto: Yea, I got it! (Stanley)
csnoto: Max, Molly and stanley playing fetch with the tennis ball
csnoto: Max and Molly after the ball while Stanley watches
csnoto: Max got the ball!
csnoto: Molly got the ball
csnoto: Max and Molly chasing the tennis ball
csnoto: Molly with her ball
csnoto: Molly in mid leap for the ball
csnoto: Molly returns with the ball
csnoto: Stanley and Reba checking the perimeter of the Dog Park
csnoto: Reba and Stanley at the Dog Park
csnoto: Swen with Stanley and Reba
csnoto: Stanley and Reba enjoying the smells
csnoto: Reba, Stanley, Max and Molly waiting for Mike to throw the ball
csnoto: Mike telling Stanley that he has already hit the ball.
csnoto: Molly, Max and Stanley chasing tennis balls
csnoto: Mike watching Molly, Max and Stanley returning the ball
csnoto: Max, Molly and Stanley with Mike looking on
csnoto: Max, Molly and Stanley
csnoto: These are some tired puppies
csnoto: We're off! Molly, Max and Stanley
csnoto: Reba exploring the dog park
csnoto: Max and Molly's "cookie lady"