cskk: first calf for 2016
cskk: first calf for 2016
cskk: first calf for 2016
cskk: first calf for 2016
cskk: first calf for 2016
cskk: red with new calf
cskk: red with new calf
cskk: white's bull calf
cskk: red's heifer calf
cskk: white's bull calf
cskk: nose and two feet, right way up
cskk: labor
cskk: labor
cskk: all done but the cleaning
cskk: bandit and new calf
cskk: bandit and new calf
cskk: a couple of jerseys
cskk: two feet right way up
cskk: squirrel and new calf
cskk: red's calf
cskk: red's calf
cskk: white and calf
cskk: cows in grass
cskk: cows in grass
cskk: Bandits's calf, all cleaned up
cskk: Bandits's calf, all cleaned up
cskk: IMG_4589
cskk: dominance games
cskk: IMG_4661
cskk: IMG_4672