cskazmer: If I hadn't had a lengthy tarmac delay I wouldn't have had time to take this snapshot, edit it and post before getting off the plane and heading for the cocktail lounge.
cskazmer: And a good morning to you.
cskazmer: Suddenly it came to me: Today is a remarkable day.
cskazmer: Penthouse envy is a real medical condition. At least I think that's what my therapist said.
cskazmer: As so often happens, I was by myself.
cskazmer: Five years ago today, I was on a fabulous date with Gerhard Richter in Chicago. As you know, I never say no to a date with Gerhard Richter. Even when stuck in a regional airport for the second day in a row.
cskazmer: My only advice about anything: Never stop learning.
cskazmer: I LUV PH VU
cskazmer: #micheallandy #demonstration #TPPDemonstration
cskazmer: Closed for the season
cskazmer: Until we meet again