cskazmer: I'll be ridin' shotgun!
cskazmer: Self-portrait of an inhibitionist: Guess where?
cskazmer: Still time for one more?
cskazmer: Organized graffiti just seems ... not right.
cskazmer: We woke up together hundreds of times...he lived right next to my little studio...after 30 years my favorite tree is going strong.
cskazmer: I'll go anywhere for Will.
cskazmer: Hey buddy, we both grew up on the east side!
cskazmer: My own new year began right here.
cskazmer: ...we can constantly remake ourselves to fit our larger dreams...
cskazmer: Who wants to go swimming at Barton Springs?
cskazmer: No question. I'll take the Hot Italian, please. Thanks.
cskazmer: no one else wanted to come
cskazmer: Things change-you change-I change. I once studied Chinese-Greek to me! Help me remember: why do verbs conjugate and nouns decline?
cskazmer: Things go wrong
cskazmer: Junction at Independence Trail
cskazmer: Wishing new friends and old friends and everyone in between...much happiness in 2016 and always! Luv ya!
cskazmer: Life is starting to come back after the fires.
cskazmer: More a Destination than a Detour actually ... this is Texas after all.
cskazmer: Detour
cskazmer: Just outside Ellinger
cskazmer: Travelers