cskazmer: Four square: along four country miles marking a section in Mecosta County, Michigan
cskazmer: Deer-proof fence
cskazmer: composition
cskazmer: zig-zag
cskazmer: Everyone said they made a handsome couple nonetheless
cskazmer: Amish vernacular
cskazmer: Nice to see you, too!
cskazmer: no entry
cskazmer: defensible space
cskazmer: Nearly invisible fence
cskazmer: NW Corner looking to the SE
cskazmer: Some years there are beaver in the big pond across the road
cskazmer: City-slicker fence
cskazmer: the bright light of late afternoon
cskazmer: I am curious about things, too.
cskazmer: this neighbor is always last with his corn
cskazmer: The weather changed that night and all the leaves fell
cskazmer: It was time to say good-bye
cskazmer: Twin Creek Sawmill
cskazmer: organic expressionism