cskazmer: My evening with Gerhard Richter
cskazmer: Untitled memories of Gerhard Richter
cskazmer: Klezmer - Tap Dance Brunch
cskazmer: going out seemed like an . . . idea. at the time.
cskazmer: subaltern shadow play
cskazmer: spirit world
cskazmer: Paris Primative
cskazmer: à bientôt
cskazmer: mama sophie startled awake. had a vision the bayou was on fire, she said.
cskazmer: it will only make matters worse
cskazmer: angel two of two
cskazmer: angel one of two
cskazmer: festival of lights
cskazmer: imagem
cskazmer: o riso e a faca
cskazmer: a deusa dos orixás
cskazmer: en el mar cernían arena
cskazmer: take the A train
cskazmer: firecracker
cskazmer: evanescent
cskazmer: ¡hasta la vista!
cskazmer: ... cuando me desperté me temía yo había caído en ...
cskazmer: 570 nm: are we on the same wave length?
cskazmer: keeping a circle of confidence
cskazmer: staking their claims
cskazmer: paddles ready: let the excitement begin
cskazmer: what's done is done
cskazmer: time for spring break
cskazmer: he crunk
cskazmer: Actually I can't sit still