~Suemil~: Jack's neighbor's oak
~Suemil~: League City tree lined street
~Suemil~: College drive early spring with azaleas P
~Suemil~: healing ash tree
~Suemil~: Tree has some healing to do
~Suemil~: Ash tree
~Suemil~: Azaleas and trees in spring at college
~Suemil~: Shelf fungus
~Suemil~: Spanish moss
~Suemil~: Limbs in big willow
~Suemil~: big willow
~Suemil~: Ike damage
~Suemil~: Trees
~Suemil~: Big willow after Ike.
~Suemil~: Ike damage at the City park.
~Suemil~: Courtesy of Ike
~Suemil~: Autumn leaves across the lake
~Suemil~: Thru trees across street
~Suemil~: Bradford pears in full fall color in Jan
~Suemil~: Across the street
~Suemil~: Big willow
~Suemil~: sweetgum tree at Madge Griffith Elementary School
~Suemil~: sweetgum balls on an elementary school sidewalk
~Suemil~: Yellow pecan leaves
~Suemil~: Pecan tree with yellow gold leaves.
~Suemil~: Pecan tree branch
~Suemil~: Pecan trees with yellow gold leaves
~Suemil~: Orange tree
~Suemil~: Orange tree
~Suemil~: Satsuma orange tree