cseneque: I carried a watermelon. (quote from Dirty Dancing)
cseneque: Breathe.
cseneque: Totoro
cseneque: Guybrush Threepwood
cseneque: Crochet fabric bowl
cseneque: Cross stitch
cseneque: Birdwood Square, Perth
cseneque: Cross stitch vegan advocacy, using the #Craftivist Collective Mini Protest Banner Kit. Now I just need to install it in a public place...
cseneque: Cross stitch bow tie necklace
cseneque: Cross stitch
cseneque: Slouchy crochet beanie
cseneque: Minecraft 'creeper' hat - crochet
cseneque: Red Vines (imagine a ruby red) cardi in progress 22 Mar 2014
cseneque: Niece blankie finished. Colours are a bit distorted: they're actually teal, eggplant and ruby.
cseneque: Niece blankie complete
cseneque: Niece blankie complete
cseneque: Red Vines in progress 21 Mar 2014
cseneque: Wash day
cseneque: Wash day
cseneque: Wash day
cseneque: knit 1 - 1 of 3
cseneque: knit1 - 2 of 3
cseneque: knit1 - 3 of 3