cscotchmer: It's the little things....
cscotchmer: Through my window
cscotchmer: Old School
cscotchmer: Riverside
cscotchmer: Better Days
cscotchmer: Persistence
cscotchmer: Church
cscotchmer: Passing time
cscotchmer: Quintessential England
cscotchmer: Entrance
cscotchmer: Garden wall
cscotchmer: Barred
cscotchmer: Framing
cscotchmer: Grandeur
cscotchmer: Suffolk Cathedral
cscotchmer: Churchgate Street
cscotchmer: Doors
cscotchmer: English Gardens
cscotchmer: My kind of place
cscotchmer: Churchyard
cscotchmer: Headstones
cscotchmer: Blue Door
cscotchmer: In the backyard
cscotchmer: Lavender
cscotchmer: From the garden
cscotchmer: Allium
cscotchmer: From the abbey ruins
cscotchmer: Stone bridge