CSC - Chistopher Scott: France loses its star player.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Walk of shame.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Lots of onlookers were quite dismayed by the antics.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Tossing biscuits with ice cream.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Dolores Park World Cup Final.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Seven deadly sins.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Colored pink.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Stay the course.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Sunburnt nose.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: The world cup on display.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: God wants his sweaterh back!
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Girl fly high.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Agony of defeat.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Flag fly high.