CSC - Chistopher Scott: IMG_4017_edited
CSC - Chistopher Scott: IMG_4018_edited
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Nice car candor.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Brandi and JJ
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Birds in the Bay.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: IMG_4058_edited
CSC - Chistopher Scott: IMG_4072_edited
CSC - Chistopher Scott: The lovely JJ.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Mushroom duck.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Kneel and Pray.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Craig and JJ.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Another close encounter.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Ancient skull thing, and Craig.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Brandi and construction paint graffiti.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: True oxymoron?
CSC - Chistopher Scott: More Pit Portaiture.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Pit and Craig.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: We cannot win.
CSC - Chistopher Scott: Metal flower.