cfsantos: Breakfast at Vandalia: total dive diner, in the middle of nowhere
cfsantos: Jesus saves (and takes over the landscape while at it)
cfsantos: 200607016299-01
cfsantos: 200607016300-01
cfsantos: My dad and Cosito
cfsantos: 200607016306-01
cfsantos: 200607016311-01
cfsantos: 200607016313-01
cfsantos: 200607016314-01
cfsantos: 200607016315-01
cfsantos: 200607016317-01
cfsantos: Massa for Ferrari
cfsantos: Massa for Ferrari
cfsantos: Brian amidst the fans
cfsantos: 200607016342-01
cfsantos: Go team Ferrari!
cfsantos: 200607016349-01
cfsantos: 200607016350-01
cfsantos: 200607016352-01
cfsantos: 200607016370-01
cfsantos: 200607016373-01
cfsantos: Racing museum
cfsantos: Sleek air intake
cfsantos: Racing museum
cfsantos: Racing museum, past Indy champions
cfsantos: Indy racing museum
cfsantos: Sponsorship decals
cfsantos: Me taking my photos as usual
cfsantos: Ferrari diehard fans
cfsantos: 200607026401-01