csagedy: Dusty is getting in a pre-turkey nap.
csagedy: Enjoying the nice West Virginia weather.
csagedy: One of these two might be enjoying this hug more than the other.
csagedy: Emily found a bunny of our own while straightening up the garden. She "had to" hold it for a bit to calm it down.
csagedy: Our neighbor was mowing his yard and discovered a rabbit nest in the grass. You can't tell from this picture, but there were at least 6 in the hole. Pretty cool!
csagedy: Woz playing fetch in the snow
csagedy: Dusty is suspicious of Grant's pillow placement.
csagedy: Just so we're clear, yes, the dog is currently sleeping with a heating pad for a blanket and Emily's sweater for a pillow.
csagedy: Saturday morning chew time
csagedy: First tomatoes of the season! Picked them earlier today. Not very big, but larger ones are ripening.
csagedy: Emily, Woz, and some serious tongue after yesterday's trip to the dog park.
csagedy: The first project of the weekend: critter barriers for one of our raised planters. Take that bunnies.
csagedy: Doing some off leash training in the front yard.
csagedy: Woz is partaking in his favorite activity, being under things, while we work on our project.
csagedy: The Lego tower resulting from an intense round of Lego Champion.
csagedy: Woz snuck under Emily's lap blanket.
csagedy: Making our way home.
csagedy: Too much turkey for Sam.
csagedy: Almost turkey time!
csagedy: Moose steaks!
csagedy: Thanksgiving snooze.
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csagedy: Boston Brickhouse Red. Only available in Boston you say? Let me top off my sample glass.
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csagedy: Pig races at the Howard County fair. Yeeeehaw! #latergram
csagedy: These taps appear to have run dry. (At Kegs and Corks Fest)
csagedy: First successfully homegrown tomato ever! Woop woop!
csagedy: Based on that tongue, I'd say our trip to the dog park was a success. #latergram