CaringSharing: Filming the Sharing in Student Success PSA
CaringSharing: Our young actress Maya is portraying a child who, sadly, is lacking basic school essentials, such as a backpack.
CaringSharing: Filming the Sharing in Student Success PSA — in Ottawa.
CaringSharing: Han and her colleagues working on getting the best shots for the SISS PSA. — with Han Nguyen in Ottawa.
CaringSharing: Our lovely girls who will be "running to school" in a minute — in Ottawa.
CaringSharing: Filming the Sharing in Student Success PSA
CaringSharing: Taking a little break. It's really hot outside!
CaringSharing: Setting up the dolly rail...
CaringSharing: ... for a smooth shot of Maya's feet.
CaringSharing: Camera setup on a dolly rail to get a smooth shot of Maya walking.