crystal e: Clouds over the Louvre
crystal e: the pyramid
crystal e: orange sneaks
crystal e: La Jaconde, in the Denon?
crystal e: La Jaconde in print
crystal e: La Jaconde, take the stairs?
crystal e: La Jaconde, right this way to the left?
crystal e: La Jaconde, hard right?
crystal e: La Jaconde, upper left corner?
crystal e: La Jaconde, definitely left?
crystal e: La Jaconde, hmm..which way?
crystal e: La Jaconde, small left?
crystal e: La Jaconde, where?
crystal e: La Jaconde, upper right corner?
crystal e: La Jaconde, hmmmmmm?
crystal e: La Jaconde, to the right?
crystal e: La Jaconde, up there?
crystal e: La Jaconde, somewhere in the middle?
crystal e: La Venus de Milo?
crystal e: La Jaconde, teeny left?
crystal e: La Jaconde, down to the left?
crystal e: La Jaconde, left?
crystal e: La Jaconde, up in the corner?
crystal e: La Jaconde, this way?
crystal e: La Jaconde, up to the left?
crystal e: La Jaconde, up to the left past the exit?
crystal e: La Jaconde, straight ahead?
crystal e: La Jaconde, up there?
crystal e: There she is. No wait, she's not there....
crystal e: La Jaconde in a camera.