crystal e: Tour d'Eiffel
crystal e: Eiffel Details
crystal e: Eiffel Below
crystal e: Light peeking through the clouds atop Eiffel
crystal e: Ominous clouds
crystal e: Chris & Crys
crystal e: Doug & Amy
crystal e: An Eiffel rainbow
crystal e: Ed, Linda, Doug & Amy
crystal e: Tour d'Eiffel lit up
crystal e: Crystal Hotel
crystal e: Artiste
crystal e: Orange Sneaks
crystal e: Good
crystal e: Notre Dame
crystal e: Notre Dame
crystal e: Clouds above the Louvre
crystal e: More clouds above the Louvre
crystal e: The pyramid
crystal e: Le Mt. Ventoux 18km
crystal e: Flag below Mt. Ventoux
crystal e: Mt. Ventoux
crystal e: Tents in the vineyards
crystal e: "Lance, ride for my Uncle Gerry."
crystal e: Alberto Puerto
crystal e: Chris & Doug
crystal e: Sanjay
crystal e: Linda
crystal e: Sacca
crystal e: DSC01205