crystal e: the roussanne arrives
crystal e: gorgeous roussanne grapes
crystal e: morning at crushpad
crystal e: tasting the juice
crystal e: a winemaker
crystal e: the roussanne bin
crystal e: roussanne
crystal e: the winemakers
crystal e: moving the roussanne for press
crystal e: susannah & serena
crystal e: time for freerun
crystal e: the freerun tube
crystal e: freerun
crystal e: beginning the freerun
crystal e: alan
crystal e: the roussanne freerun
crystal e: to press!
crystal e: the spill
crystal e: stomping
crystal e: shoveling
crystal e: shovel
crystal e: the roussanne press
crystal e: rubber boots
crystal e: our roussanne for testing
crystal e: deciding the adjustment
crystal e: tartaric
crystal e: measuring
crystal e: testing the pH
crystal e: our stainless steel tank
crystal e: Our roussanne