crystal e: Hagedorn's competition
crystal e: Will... nice boa
crystal e: VB&P flip cup
crystal e: Um...log-o-beef
crystal e: Colleen's Shirt-pants
crystal e: JB & ellen
crystal e: mandi
crystal e: "we have to have one of those"
crystal e: the vb&p ladies
crystal e: Pile-o-shirts
crystal e: Carlos... nice glasses
crystal e: Gwynne
crystal e: JB Multi-task stretching
crystal e: Producer Posse: Mandi & Nicolette
crystal e: Sir Minty... The Mayor of everything
crystal e: Hagedorn Academy
crystal e: Gwynne
crystal e: Shades of blue
crystal e: JB stretching
crystal e: Carlos...nice gloves
crystal e: Super couple: Steph & Jeff