crystal e: joseph phelps patio wine tasting
crystal e: panz and brandon
crystal e: tommy & crystal
crystal e: crystal & panz
crystal e: oakland A's night game
crystal e: napping
crystal e: robert sinskey pinot gris...yum
crystal e: can o' bud light and the spread
crystal e: crystal chatting
crystal e: picnic cooler & feet
crystal e: chilling
crystal e: montara beach
crystal e: the wetsuits
crystal e: peeling
crystal e: it's not that cold
crystal e: post-surfing crystal
crystal e: wetsuit time
crystal e: no-name
crystal e: tommy and no-name
crystal e: crystal, no-name & the lunch tray
crystal e: lindemar, pacifica
crystal e: beautiful day for a game
crystal e: at A's day game