crystal e: Cloudwalker's Pre-flight Prep
crystal e: Pre-flight prep
crystal e: All set for flying...
crystal e: The runway horizontal view
crystal e: The runway...vertical view
crystal e: Flying...
crystal e: View of the glaciers opposite Chinchero
crystal e: Up & away
crystal e: Just after take-off
crystal e: running on take-off
crystal e: Cesar helping with take-off
crystal e: The chute filling with air
crystal e: View just after take off
crystal e: Danny-boy
crystal e: View from my flight (those are my knees)
crystal e: More views from the flight
crystal e: Those are my feet at 4800m
crystal e: Flying...woo hoo
crystal e: Richard & Miguel sorting out the chute
crystal e: Post-flight hug
crystal e: That small dot in the sky is another paraglider
crystal e: The landing field...
crystal e: Chinchero in the background
crystal e: Miguel & Haley
crystal e: Richard & his mate
crystal e: Richard, the kid who loves the camera & John