daPistol: Bionica Jordan wearing Cozy Couture
daPistol: Bionica Jordan wearing Cozy Couture
daPistol: Jordan "Trust Your Instincts" with Agnes "Truly, Madly, Deeply"
daPistol: Agnes "Truly, Madly, Deeply" with Jordan "Trust Your Instincts"
daPistol: Agnes "Truly, Madly, Deeply" with Jordan "Trust Your Instincts"
daPistol: Color Test1
daPistol: Color Test2
daPistol: Jordan "Bionica"
daPistol: Jordan "Bionica"
daPistol: Jordan "Trust Your Instincts"
daPistol: Jordan "Splendid"
daPistol: Jordan "Splendid"
daPistol: Dania "Irresistible, Jordan "Splendid", and Kesenia "Ambitious"
daPistol: Jordan "Splendid"
daPistol: Jordan "Splendid"
daPistol: Jordan "Trust Your Instincts"
daPistol: Jordan "Trust Your Instincts"
daPistol: Jordan