tango.mceffrie: back wall of the house
tango.mceffrie: rose: dreamy
tango.mceffrie: ken: dreamy
tango.mceffrie: thomas sheet curtain
tango.mceffrie: abstraction 1
tango.mceffrie: thomas sheet curtain: hazy and bright
tango.mceffrie: windowledge
tango.mceffrie: green curtain
tango.mceffrie: cactus penis hobo
tango.mceffrie: potted plant
tango.mceffrie: birdhouse
tango.mceffrie: shell and boot
tango.mceffrie: boot in circle
tango.mceffrie: cactus penis hobo in circle
tango.mceffrie: hanging crystal
tango.mceffrie: top of the stairs
tango.mceffrie: this plant has nice colors
tango.mceffrie: the ultimate in pink roses
tango.mceffrie: rose cluster
tango.mceffrie: rose cluster with bud in background
tango.mceffrie: under the roses
tango.mceffrie: white blooms: circle
tango.mceffrie: white blooms
tango.mceffrie: asking for handouts
tango.mceffrie: spiraling in
tango.mceffrie: bird poop
tango.mceffrie: abstraction 2
tango.mceffrie: wallpaper