tango.mceffrie: thirty-six carrier braider
tango.mceffrie: little blue braider
tango.mceffrie: braiding shop
tango.mceffrie: bridge
tango.mceffrie: bus station
tango.mceffrie: bus station - christian science literature
tango.mceffrie: immense proportions
tango.mceffrie: brick stack
tango.mceffrie: bucket
tango.mceffrie: ceiling
tango.mceffrie: collapsed
tango.mceffrie: contrast
tango.mceffrie: dark blue
tango.mceffrie: door to a bridge
tango.mceffrie: dutch windows
tango.mceffrie: escape to collapsed floors
tango.mceffrie: foreground vs. background
tango.mceffrie: the street through a hole
tango.mceffrie: intimidating woodpile
tango.mceffrie: pile of bricks
tango.mceffrie: there's more
tango.mceffrie: this way to mctb
tango.mceffrie: welcome home
tango.mceffrie: who drinks? can teens?