crustydolphin: {hypnotised..}
crustydolphin: {shine on}
crustydolphin: {aint life grand}
crustydolphin: {the last one sitting}
crustydolphin: {well...hullo there}
crustydolphin: {headbang til your ears drop off}
crustydolphin: {forgotten}
crustydolphin: {its coming from inside the house....}
crustydolphin: {dont judge me by my nails}
crustydolphin: {snug as a...}
crustydolphin: {bl(e)ak}
crustydolphin: {speak now or forever hold your peace}
crustydolphin: {storms are forecast...}
crustydolphin: {the pirate's daughter}
crustydolphin: {titfer}
crustydolphin: {down but not out}
crustydolphin: {the sun was trying to get her attention}
crustydolphin: {...and the waters calmed beneath her hands}
crustydolphin: {while the world rushes by}
crustydolphin: {darkness suited her mood}
crustydolphin: {the laundry helper}
crustydolphin: {stop and stare}
crustydolphin: {bathtime carribean style}
crustydolphin: {let it snow! let it snow! let it snow!}
crustydolphin: {waiting for Santa}
crustydolphin: {during the holiday season its important to rest when you can}
crustydolphin: {morning on the day of the box}
crustydolphin: {watching the grass grow}
crustydolphin: {beanie baby}
crustydolphin: {the secret to staying young is live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age}