Crunchy Footsteps: "Come and get it!" The dinner bell at the Faraway Ranch, Chiricahua Nat'l Monument, Arizona USA
Crunchy Footsteps: Welcome to the Faraway Ranch, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona USA
Crunchy Footsteps: Roundup Place- Faraway Ranch, Chiricahua Nat'l Monument, Arizona, USA
Crunchy Footsteps: Faraway Ranch #6 Chiricahua National Monument
Crunchy Footsteps: A Natural Bath at Faraway Ranch (#7)
Crunchy Footsteps: Massai Point- Chiracahua National Monument
Crunchy Footsteps: The Wilderness Beyond- Faraway Ranch,Chiracahua National Monument, Arizona, USA
Crunchy Footsteps: Some water under the bridge- Faraway Ranch, Chiracahua National Monument, Arizona USA
Crunchy Footsteps: Faraway Ranch #6 (revisited with color) Chiracahua National Monument, Arizona, USA