crumpyss: Nicklas Backstrom
crumpyss: Welcome Caps Fans
crumpyss: Jessie
crumpyss: Tea Cups
crumpyss: A roller coaster
crumpyss: Back of the coach
crumpyss: The Bat mobile
crumpyss: Sun setting over the park
crumpyss: All the way down
crumpyss: Going up
crumpyss: All the way up top
crumpyss: Coming down
crumpyss: Varlamov signing autographs
crumpyss: Semyon Varlamov
crumpyss: Back of Nicklas Backstrom
crumpyss: Mike Green with Backstrom in the background
crumpyss: Far away view of Nylander
crumpyss: Nylanders table. The people in red jackets are Caps employees
crumpyss: Blocked view of Ovie
crumpyss: Bruuuuuuuuuuuuce
crumpyss: Alexander Semin
crumpyss: Alexander Semin
crumpyss: Matt Bradley
crumpyss: Shaone Morrisonn
crumpyss: Morrisonn and Fehr
crumpyss: Russian Machine Hungry
crumpyss: Chris Clark
crumpyss: Chris Clark