CrumleyFamily: Caution: podium
CrumleyFamily: Podium in focus
CrumleyFamily: Waiting for the big arrival
CrumleyFamily: Channel 12 was representin'
CrumleyFamily: Mayor Littlefield (he's an Auburn grad)
CrumleyFamily: The lower Incline car departs
CrumleyFamily: Capturing the excitment
CrumleyFamily: Standing proud(ly)
CrumleyFamily: Antique fans
CrumleyFamily: Giving Introduction
CrumleyFamily: The car arrives
CrumleyFamily: Preparing to deliver their teaser lines
CrumleyFamily: Signage
CrumleyFamily: Graciously accepting our welcome
CrumleyFamily: Mark awaits his turn at the podium
CrumleyFamily: Claude Ramsay applauds
CrumleyFamily: Rock City was representin'
CrumleyFamily: umm... Ok I don't know who this is
CrumleyFamily: Hamilton County Mayor Ramsay and Chattanooga Mayor Littlefield
CrumleyFamily: Fuller awaits his turn to ride
CrumleyFamily: What's Claude doing to Mark?
CrumleyFamily: Fuller waits while others make plans
CrumleyFamily: Nice focus; good pose; awesome kid
CrumleyFamily: A photo can tell many stories
CrumleyFamily: Fuller, finally rides the Incline
CrumleyFamily: Overlooking Chattanooga
CrumleyFamily: Passing the other train car
CrumleyFamily: Above Scenic Hwy
CrumleyFamily: View from the top of the Incline (almost)
CrumleyFamily: The Incline car waits at the upper station