crumj: Fun at Camp Magruder
crumj: Scavenger hunt team on the playground
crumj: Apparently Tony doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain
crumj: Scavenger hunt team in Carrier Lodge
crumj: Donkey at Camp Magruder
crumj: Chomp!
crumj: No thanks, I use toilet paper
crumj: Scavenger huntin' in the rain
crumj: Look--a Tootsie Roll!
crumj: Scavenger hunt team at the base of the Magruder donkey carving
crumj: Scavenger hunt team makes with the donkey ears
crumj: Scavenger hunt team on the beach
crumj: Scavenger hunt team on the dock
crumj: Cross at the entrance to Camp Magruder from the beach
crumj: Jerry makes a new friend