Crumbo147: First Pic
Crumbo147: Me and my brothers!!
Crumbo147: Best pals
Crumbo147: IMGP1993
Crumbo147: Here's lookin' at you kid
Crumbo147: DSC06048
Crumbo147: IMGP0339
Crumbo147: Sheepish?
Crumbo147: Exploring
Crumbo147: Chillin', just chillin'
Crumbo147: This bone is tasteless??
Crumbo147: Hide and seek
Crumbo147: so many bowls, so little time
Crumbo147: Fluffy
Crumbo147: desperate times, call for desperate measures
Crumbo147: IMGP3434
Crumbo147: My Town, Paisley Town #nomeancity
Crumbo147: Handsome Scotsman
Crumbo147: upside down dog - doggie yoga
Crumbo147: chillin' in the crib
Crumbo147: Total fluff
Crumbo147: me and lamby
Crumbo147: me and my husky pal
Crumbo147: More yoga moves
Crumbo147: Movember
Crumbo147: Footie in Ireland
Crumbo147: Britain's Got Talent
Crumbo147: She's huffy cos I won't pass to her!
Crumbo147: IMGP8363-2
Crumbo147: Rockin the coat!