ronxo: Yes, these are my friends.
ronxo: Our best Pirate faces
ronxo: @ronxo @jmstump represent
ronxo: Ryan is a man of science
ronxo: I stole this mug later that evening
ronxo: Singapore Sling #2
ronxo: Lou & Me
ronxo: Words Don't Describe This Moment
ronxo: "Hey! Who Brought The Dude?"
ronxo: Isotope Comics Packed to the Gills
ronxo: Can you spot Darwyn the Mountie?
ronxo: Marsha, James, Lou and I, all smiles
ronxo: It's not a party without Kevin (Johnny Johnny)
ronxo: I really should know better than to leave him alone with her...
ronxo: Oh Conor...
ronxo: Meeting Jonathan Ross!
ronxo: Only cosplay photo I've even taken, because it's genius