Chris Reus-Smit: On Top, Besseggen, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Norwegian Wood, Gjendesheim, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: The Crux, Besseggen Ridge,Norway Ridge, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Glacial Tarn, Besseggen Ridge, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Gjendesheim Lakes from Besseggen Ridge, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Across the Lake from Besseggen Ridge, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Gjendesheim, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Storm Clouds, Gjendesheim, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Gjendesheim Sheep, Norway (1 of 1)
Chris Reus-Smit: Glacial Tarn 2. Besseggen, Norway (1 of 1)