Crossroads Foundation Photos: UNHCR posters displayed at the entrance
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Participants experience the lack of welcome that many refugees are faced with
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Entrance to the Refugee Run is clearly signposted
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Entrance to the Refugee Run is through this tent
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Entrance tent where participants start the simulation
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Decorations in the first room participants enter
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Refugees are warned of the dangers ahead
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Refugees are taught a new language in the camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Classroom where dangers of mines are communicated
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Refugee camp supplies
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Weapons in the refugee camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Distribution station for food and water
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Clinic supplies to treat 'wounded' refugees
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Camp guard patrolling border crossing
Crossroads Foundation Photos: The camp medic attends to an urgent situation
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Keeping track of events in the Refugee Camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Davos teacher Janina Sakobielski and her students experience the scrutiny of the border crossing
Crossroads Foundation Photos: A Davos student faces questions from the border guard
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Die Korrespondenten journalist Hannes Koch experiences life in the camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Brian Hill (Newmont Mining Corporation) under the spotlight of the guards
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Stephen Savage (CA Technologies) has his identity questioned at the border crossing
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Brian Hill (Newmont Mining Corporation) receives medical attention in the camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Unexpected interrogations from the guards are part of everyday life in the camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Under scrutiny from the guards and no place to hide
Crossroads Foundation Photos: The reality of life and death in the camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Crossroads Directors, Sally & Malcolm Begbie, listen to instructions from the leader of the camp
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Education is basic but the opportunity to learn the local language is invaluable
Crossroads Foundation Photos: Brian Hill (Newmont Mining Corporation) faces more demanding questions from the guard.