i-boy: Sad Robot
i-boy: Newspaper Extinction Timeline
i-boy: Newspaper Extinction Timeline - factors
i-boy: Zuwachs
i-boy: #slide ORF #wpsummit
i-boy: Gerald Reischl #wpsummit 2013
i-boy: #wpsummit #slide :: Piano Media active users, 2011 - 2013
i-boy: "Good Morning"
i-boy: Tech CEO Dinner
i-boy: Hello Verizon? I'm interested in your share everything plan ...
i-boy: The lovely and talented @nadjasnews giving a Twitter lesson ::
i-boy: The lovely and talented @nadjasnews giving a Twitter lesson ::
i-boy: @nadjasnews and the gang
i-boy: "Durchschnitt stirbt" @digitalerfilm #voez ::
i-boy: Burg am Faaker See. #voez
i-boy: Larry Page at Google I/O #io13
i-boy: #ENC13 Rainer Esser, DIE ZEIT (@zeitonline) :: Reach out to young readers and create products that appeal to younger audiences.
i-boy: #ENC13 Rainer Esser, DIE ZEIT (@zeitonline) :: Constantly innovate and improve as if always in a crisis.
i-boy: Die Zeit, Rainer Esser on stage. #ENC13
i-boy: Bravo Braunschlag 2013 #Romy
i-boy: Tonight's Menu #chambollemusigny #steak #masters
i-boy: Death of a snowman.
i-boy: Not sure if you can see this, but the entrance to my fitness trainer is right next to the entrance to McDonald's. It's a cruel f&cking world.
i-boy: #slide #mls13 @SebastianLoudon McKinsey study about media usage shifts... Need to track down the full study.
i-boy: #mls13 Hold-em tournament. Note the ceiling wood beam from 1656 and @SebastianLoudon's aces. ;-)
i-boy: #mls13 A pic of Rudi using @SebastianLoudon's phone to take a pic of @ev_ho talking about #bigdata
i-boy: Antonia's math: 1 little cold + 2 incoming teeth = 34 on the baby Richter Scale.
i-boy: A fun and somewhat adventurous day at the Reiteralm.
i-boy: The AustroGerman word of the day is "Feuerzangenbowle".
i-boy: Best. Use. Ever.