Crossett Library Bennington College:
Animal Alphabet
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Animal Alphabet
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Jan Lewitt and George Him invitation
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Jan Lewitt and George Him invitation
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Shell Lubricating Oil
Crossett Library Bennington College:
E. McKnight Kauffer
Crossett Library Bennington College:
E. McKnight Kauffer
Crossett Library Bennington College:
The letters P, O
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Cover of Arts et Métiers Graphiques
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Vintage Davos, Switzerland brochure
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Vintage Davos, Switzerland brochure
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Walter Kern and Werner Weiskönig
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Walter Kern and Werner Weiskönig
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Walter Kern and Werner Weiskönig
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Vintage French children's book illustration
Crossett Library Bennington College:
The letter B
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Hedgehog Hérisson ABC
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Vintage French Railroad Travel Poster
Crossett Library Bennington College:
André Robert
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Rabbit illustration by by Feodor Stepanovich
Crossett Library Bennington College:
une planche des Contes d'Alphonse Daudet, dessin de Touchagues
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Levitt Him
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Fortnum & Mason Spring Collection 1933
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Fortnum & Mason Spring Collection 1933
Crossett Library Bennington College:
De Vries Robbé
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Color chart
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Adorable Touraine
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Bookmobile 1931 Paris
Crossett Library Bennington College:
Bookmobile horse and cart (Washington County, MD)
Crossett Library Bennington College: