Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Letters designed by Bernice Oehler for Denishawn magazine
Crossett Library Bennington College: Olivetti advertisement
Crossett Library Bennington College: The Vakhtangov School of Stage Craft
Crossett Library Bennington College: Fortnum & Mason Spring Collection 1933
Crossett Library Bennington College: Fortnum & Mason Spring Collection 1933
Crossett Library Bennington College: Cover of Amerika: Die Stilbildung des Neuen Bauens by Richard Neutra
Crossett Library Bennington College: Der Künstlerische Tanz Unserer Zeit
Crossett Library Bennington College: Deberny & Peignot - Antiques
Crossett Library Bennington College: Peignot typeface by A. M. Cassandre
Crossett Library Bennington College: Peignot typeface by A. M. Cassandre
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - S
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - letter I
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - letter D
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - letter G
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - jiggin with a bumblebee
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - letter C
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - letter F
Crossett Library Bennington College: Woodcut by Bernard Brussel-Smith - letter A